We are the Federation of Practical Professionals


Who is changing the world?

We believe that the reason for the development of science and technology is human happiness. ‌We are experts in various fields such as science, engineering, IT, humanities and sociology. Even in different fields of study, we are experts who study for common goals.

We will strive for human happiness by using the knowledge and skills we have. 
The reason we try, study and research is for the happiness of our families, our neighbors, and humankind.


·    20‌20

‌The Corona virus has made offline activities difficult.
We decided to make a homepage and discuss common interests online.

·    201‌9

‌As the number of researchers participating increased, we decided to form an organization. We are only trying to achieve our original purpose, not interest groups.

·    201‌7

‌More researchers have decided to work together within the scope of 'we'.

·    201‌5

‌We have learned that there are more researchers who want to work with us. We are not the main characters who can change the world. ‌
However, we can't stop trying.

·    2013

‌We were ordinary researchers trying to get a good job. 
We decided to work together to attach greater significance to our activities.