Graduate School of Industry-Academic Cooperation ‌

‌Chonnam National University

Dept. of Global Software (from 2021)

The department was founded to train high-quality programmers needed by companies.
Therefore, students who have passed the software development test and achieved TOPIK grade 3 can be admitted.

Admission Guide

The general admission guide is announced twice a year.
For students who pass the software development test and achieve TOPIK level 3, FPP will provide necessary documents instead, including bank balance statement (with a balance of more than USD 18,000) that are difficult for students to prepare. Therefore, students can easily prepare for the admission process.

‌Preparation for an ‌Examination

‌(1) The FPP will provide students with about 100 sample programs in advance. Students will take tests to develop similar levels of programs.
(2) ‌Students in English-speaking countries may take Korean language courses offered free of charge by the FPP and then proceed with admission using mock test scores.

Financial Support

For students who pass the software development test and achieve the TOPIK level 3, companies in Korea support tuition, dormitory (or Hostel) and living expenses.
However, students shall faithfully participate in software development projects allocated by the enterprise and produce results.

‌General Admission Guide

(Click Here) to download 2020 Graduate Admission Guide for International Students

‌Chair of Department

(Click Here) to ‌confirm your supervisor in Chonnam National University

‌Apply for this Course

Financial support is available only to students entering graduate schools through FFP's services.More and more graduate schools will recruit students with proven skills through the FPP.