Job Matching Program

The purpose of the program

Korean companies want to hire Indian students with proven abilities. The FPP requires Indian students to verify their abilities on behalf of Korean companies. Indian students must successfully complete courses set by Korean companies to meet their qualifications. Indian students must pay tuition fees for Korean-related courses to the FPP and achieve TOPIK level 4 or higher. The tuition fee is $500 each semester.
Indian students must pay tuition fees for program-related courses to Indian universities and achieve a certain level or higher. Tuition fees should be set at Indian universities. The FPP employs Indian students who have successfully completed the program for three years at Indian universities to Korean companies. The initial contract shall be two years, and after that, the performance shall be confirmed and the contract shall be renewed. 

Program composition

Each semester consists of 15 weeks. The program consists of six semesters.
Indian universities can select and operate (1) a three-year program for two semesters or (2) a two-year program for three semesters. However, the test should be taken at a separate time except for class hours, and the test time should not be included in class hours (the test can be conducted at night or on weekends).
100 students can participate every year. If the results are good, the number can be increased from the third year.
Students who have completed all courses normally must work for at least two years at a company recommended by the FPP. In 2022, the minimum salary for new programmers is about $3,000, and the basic living cost is about $500 per month. Since Korea has less taxes and basic living expenses than other countries, it is difficult to compare with other countries that pay high taxes instead of receiving a high salary. 

Requirements for class composition

Korean Language Course

One year (two semesters). It runs for 2 hours every day (1 hour online lecture + 1 hour review). A total of 300 hours.  

Korean Life Course

A total of four subjects. Completion of one subject per semester. 1 hour (30 minutes lecture + 30 minutes review) every day. Completion of 75 hours per subject.
(1) Understanding of Korean society.                          (2) Understanding of Korean law.  
(3) Understanding of Korean corporate culture.  (4) Understanding of Korean history.

Fundamental Course

A total of four subjects. Completion of one subject per semester. 2 hours (lecture + practice) every day. Completion of 150 hours per subject.
(1) Development of Homepage (JavaScript, HTML, CSS and others).  (2) Understanding of Network and Communication.
(3) Understanding of Operating System.                                                                (4) Understanding of Database.

Basic Programming Course

 A total of four subjects. Completion of one subject per semester. 3 hours (lecture + practice) every day. Completion of 225 hours per subject.
(1) C Programming and Project.                   (2) C++ (or C#) Programming and Project.
(3) JAVA Programming and Project.           (4) Python Programming and Project. 

Advanced Programming Course

A total of two subjects. Completion of one subject per semester. 6 hours every day. Completion of 450 hours per subject. Two can be a team. Korean companies can provide development topics.
(1) WEB Development Project.                   (2) APP Development Project.

Sample of class composition - 2-Year Course

Sample of class composition - 3-Year Course