Programming Training Course

We want you to be an advanced programmer.

Please feel free to contact us at any time if your University or Institute wishes to run this course. (Click here to send e-mail)

A list of universities and institutions currently running or planning to operate the course can be found at the following link: (Click Here)
Universities or institutions may receive extra fees for running this course. We can also provide small scholarships for students.

‌Programmers who have completed this course can study at graduate schools in Korea. In order to complete this 'Programming Training Course', students must complete a total of three subjects, including a mandatory C language and two of the remaining four subjects. The list of partner graduate schools can be found at the following link: (Click Here)

When you study in graduate school, companies in Korea will support your tuition and living expenses. The list of partner companies can be found at the following link: (Click Here)

‌How to open and manage this course at your University or Institute

Official registration of 
Training Course

Create an independent department or course to run a Training Course at your university or institution, and notify it on the university or institution's website.

Official Registration of of a cooperative university or institution

Please let us know by email.
We will register you as a partner university or institution

Student Selection and Training

Select students and proceed with the training.
Your university or institution can charge extra money from students.

Final Assessment and Certificate‌

‌Korean companies assign the theme of the project and check the results.
Students who have successfully completed the project will receive a certificate from the FPP.

Graduate school entrance and employment support

‌Students who receive certificates from the FPP will study at graduate schools in Korea. Companies in Korea will support students' tuition and living expenses. Students will carry out projects assigned by companies in Korea.


‌Students who successfully achieve a degree will be employed by a Working Center or a Korean company.

‌Course Management at the University or Institute

‌We all know that the development of technology is progressing rapidly. And, we believe, the development of technology is for human happiness. We hope you can grow up to be a programmer with the same idea as us, and we believe you will write various programs for human happiness. We are asking many universities in many countries to open 'Programming Training Courses'. Several universities in the country where you live will also have 'Programming Training Courses.'

The 'Programming Training Course' includes compulsory subjects as follows, and we hope you will complete these subjects with grades above B.

Subjects in the Course‌

Course A: C Programming Language‌ (required subject)
AC01: C Programming Fundamental

- Learn the basic grammar of C language and try to write various small programs.
- Learn the console program by default, and learn functions such as color change and image manipulation.
- Students should learn for at least 90 hours, including 48 hours regular lecture + 42 hours  practice.
- If a student takes 48 hours as a regular course in college, that student can take an additional 42 hours of practical training.

* Students should make at least 90 small programs.

AC02: C Programming Project

- After forming a team, write a medium or advanced program using C language.
- Project topics are assigned by Korean companies, and corporate employees can guide teams as instructors.
- Students can create console games or try programs that work the same as the programs they are using.
- Students must carry out the project for at least 180 hours.

* Students should make at least one project assigned by a Company.

Course B: C++ (or C#) Programming Language‌
BC01: C++ (or C#) Programming Fundamental

- Learn the basic grammar of C++ (or C#) language and try to write various small programs.
- Learn the console program by default, and learn windows program, too.
- Students should learn for at least 90 hours, including 48 hours regular lecture + 42 hours  practice.
- If a student takes 48 hours as a regular course in college, that student can take an additional 42 hours of practical training.

* Students should make at least 90 small programs.

BC02: C++ (or C#) Programming Project

- After forming a team, write a medium or advanced program using C++ (or C#) language.
- Project topics are assigned by Korean companies, and corporate employees can guide teams as instructors.
- Students can create console or windows games or try programs that work the same as the programs they are using.
- Students must carry out the project for at least 210 hours.

* Students should make at least one project assigned by a Company.

Course C: JAVA Programming Language‌
CJ01: JAVA Programming Fundamental

- Learn the basic grammar of JAVA language and try to write various small programs.
- Learn the console program by default, and learn windows program, too.
- Students should learn for at least 90 hours, including 48 hours regular lecture + 42 hours  practice.
- If a student takes 48 hours as a regular course in college, that student can take an additional 42 hours of practical training.

* Students should make at least 90 small programs.

CJ02: JAVA Programming Project

- After forming a team, write a medium or advanced program using JAVA language.
- Project topics are assigned by Korean companies, and corporate employees can guide teams as instructors.
- Students can create console or windows games or try programs that work the same as the programs they are using.
- Students must carry out the project for at least 210 hours.

* Students should make at least one project assigned by a Company.

Course D: WEB Programming‌
DA01: Apache-PHP-MySQL Fundamental

- Learn the basic grammar of APM and try to write various small programs.
- Learn the console program by default, and learn windows program, too.
- Students should learn for at least 90 hours, including 48 hours regular lecture + 42 hours  practice.
- If a student takes 48 hours as a regular course in college, that student can take an additional 42 hours of practical training.
- If a student has never studied the database, the student must participate in an additional 30 hours of database lecture.

* Students should make at least 90 small programs.

DA02: APM WEB Programming Project

- After forming a team, write a medium or advanced program using APM.
- Project topics are assigned by Korean companies, and corporate employees can guide teams as instructors.
- Students can create console or windows games or try programs that work the same as the programs they are using.
- Students must carry out the project for at least 210 hours.

* Students should make at least one project assigned by a Company.

Course E: Python Programming‌
EP01: Python Programming Fundamental

- Learn the basic grammar of Python language and try to write various small programs.
- Learn the console program by default, and learn windows program, too.
- Students should learn for at least 90 hours, including 48 hours regular lecture + 42 hours  practice.
- If a student takes 48 hours as a regular course in college, that student can take an additional 42 hours of practical training.

* Students should make at least 90 small programs.

EP02: Python Programming Project

- After forming a team, write a medium or advanced program using Python language.
- Project topics are assigned by Korean companies, and corporate employees can guide teams as instructors.
- Students can create console or windows games or try programs that work the same as the programs they are using.
- Students must carry out the project for at least 210 hours.

* Students should make at least one project assigned by a Company.

‌Your university or Institute will provide ‌a teaching plan, and ‌students should complete the courses. However, to make sure that students have reached the level we want, we will give ‌students the final exam questions or projects.

If ‌students complete one compulsory subject (C Language) and two elective subjects with grades above average B, we will provide ‌students with a certificate. ‌Students can use this certificate to enter graduate schools in Korea that we designate. Once ‌students enter the graduate school, companies in Korea will assign ‌students a project, and ‌students will receive tuition fee, dormitory charge  and living expenses.

After earning your degree, you will be employed by various companies.